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At Sound Mind Acupuncture, we offer acupuncture as a way to regulate the nervous system and give your body a tool to enter into healing mode.
Carol will tell you this right off the bat when you call for a New Patient Discovery Call, but let's also tell you now: Carol practices differently than most acupuncturists. Because the focus of our clinic is on helping women end the war in their body and reclaim their true healthy, powerful, authentic identity from old identities of pain, being less-than, broken, (fill in your own adjectives here ;), Carol prioritizes the stress-clearing NET work, and then uses acupuncture as the "icing on the cake" that helps your body and nervous system regulate.
Acupuncture of COURSE is an amazing form of medicine that can help all manner of symptoms, but because of our specific focus on the stress/emotional component of pain and chronic symptoms at Sound Mind Acupuncture, if you are only looking for a physical approach to your care, then we are not the clinic you are looking for. If you need any help finding a local acupuncturist, you are totally welcome to reach out and ask us. Our highest goal is to serve, so we have a list of referrals ready exactly for this purpose.
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